Online Courses
The Play Zone is that state where our performance matches our potential - that space where time expands, we feel present, relaxed and in control, and we tap into our deepest levels of creativity, concentration and connection. To enter our Play Zone, we don’t need to be mentally tougher, push ourselves to do more, or hope for peak performance to magically arise. Instead, we can develop the foundational skill underlying every single aspect of performance - the skill of regaining control of our physiology to optimize our wellness, resilience, performance and our overall human experience. These courses are ideal for performers & coaches of any kind, especially those in competitive & evaluative environments including high level athletes & coaches, performing artists, public speakers, business leaders, health & life coaches, wellness practitioners, negotiators and organizations.
NOTE: The Play Zone Professional Level Course: Polyvagal-Informed Coach Certificate is an Approved 18 Hour Continuing Education Course by The National Board for Health & Wellness Coaches!

Are We Playing the Wrong Game?
Read my article published on Psychology Today—How our Feelings of Safety Guide our Behavior.
Dr. Heather Abernethy
“If you're looking to enhance your game both on and off the court, Michael Allison's Play Zone is your ticket. The Play Zone is a scientifically-based approach to optimize performance by examining how stressors impact our nervous system. When we understand our body's unique reactions, we view our weaknesses through a lens of curiosity instead of criticism stimulating our strengths and development. Michael offers tangible tools to tune into your body's signals and bring yourself into a state of attuned focus and fierceness. After watching The Play Zone, you will have a new appreciation for your body and an understanding of how to harness your nervous system for optimal performance in whatever arena you choose to excel. “
Dr. Heather Abernethy
Dr. Heather Abernethy is an Anesthesiologist, a speaker and a writer who is passionate about helping people feel at home in their bodies and empowered to live their best life. She provides Craniosacral Therapy, Somatic Techniques, and Trauma Release Exercises®️ -
Dr. Marcos Cajina
“The Play Zone combines a rigorous understanding of Polyvagal Theory explained in simple terms with Michael’s wealth of experience helping clients perform on and off the court of tennis. When most organisations and consultants focus on pulling teams and people out of the threat zone, it is refreshing to learn how to access and stay in the Play Zone, where high performance naturally happens. In addition, I appreciated the glossary of terms that aids the understanding of the content, which is crafted carefully in an attractive series of PowerPoint presentations.”
Dr. Marcos Cajina
Founder and CEO Renewal
Nine-time recipient of the Teaching Excellence Award at IE B-School
Visiting Professor Physiology and Resilience, the EXMBA Brown University-IE programme, Play Zone PRO PV-Informed Certificated Coach -
Mathilde Shisko
Michael Allison’s unbridled curiosity into Dr Stephen Porges’ Polyvagal Theory, has led him to a revelatory investigation of how we optimize performance in “The Play Zone.” Michael has an ability to make things “make sense” in a way that resounds with the listener. He is passionate about making a difference and titrates the work so it is never overwhelming, but welcoming. His thoughtful and detailed exploration in “The Play Zone” invites us to be the best we can be. It is illuminating, informative and intuitive and in my opinion, if you have to get up in front of people in any arena you need to do this course!
Mathilde Shisko, Voice Coach
Mattie works with individuals and clients from the following select organizations:Federal Members of Parliament, Members of The Legislative Assembly of British Columbia, North Vancouver Mayor's Office, The NOW Group, Earnscliffe Strategies, CUPE, ICBC, Ministry of Health British Columbia, Vancouver Film School, Andrew McIlroy and Associates, Play Zone PRO PV-Informed Certificated Coach
Darin Davidson, MD
“I completed Michael Allison’s course, The Play Zone. It is a truly remarkable and game changing course. Not only does Michael distill and teach the complexities and nuances of Polyvagal Theory in a readily understandable fashion, he also applies the concepts in a novel domain. His application of the theory in the realm of human performance is a groundbreaking paradigm that sets the foundation for all of us to perform at our best in any and all domains of life. Through the use of well considered and explained examples from top tennis players in the world, Michael clearly demonstrates how instrumental the understanding and application of Polyvagal Theory is to human performance and the critical importance of living a Polyvagal-informed life! I give Michael’s course my highest and most sincere recommendation!”
Darin Davidson, MD
Orthopaedic surgeon
Founder of Darin Davidson, MD Consulting
Integrating high performance skills for healthcare professionals, Play Zone PRO PV-Informed Certificated Coach -
Bruno Izaac
“As a French mental coach for high level athletes, I was looking for a course relating to high performance and Polyvagal Theory in order to improve the quality of my work! Michael's course was definitely above my expectations! He's done an awesome job with his Play Zone - it's very easy to understand, full of examples in sports, and a perfect balance between theory and practice. I really enjoyed the different tools, videos, pdf’s, exercise sheets and I found his course very useful and helpful in my work! Plus, Michael has been easy to reach, open to discuss and exchange ideas about our practices! To sum up, I highly recommend the Play Zone course if you desire to create not only a big difference in those you coach, but also in your own life!”
Bruno Izaac
Mental Health Coach, Play Zone PRO PV-Informed Certificated Coach -
Adam Gust
“What a wonderful experience studying Polyvagal Theory in Performance with Michael. He, and our entire cohort, exhibited such welcome enthusiasm and intelligence in a supportive online learning environment. I am honored to be the first musician certified to bring this groundbreaking science into the world of drumming.”
Adam Gust
Adam is a professional drummer based in Los Angeles connecting rhythm, body, and mind, Play Zone PRO PV-Informed Certificated Coach -
Nicola Vanlint
“I found this course very informative and useful as a framework for my work and how to use the Polyvagal Theory for athletes. It will combine perfectly with my experience of Attachment-based Therapy and Trauma. I found his PowerPoint presentations very useful as a visual of the difference between bodily states. I will certainly be enrolling in another of Michael's courses.”
Nicola Vanlint
Body-oriented Psychotherapist - Specialising in Injury Rehabilitation & Prevention | Championing Mental Health & Wellbeing in Sport -
Dr. Amber Elizabeth Gray
“The Play Zone is s dynamic application of Dr. Porges Polyvaagl Theory to the world of Sports, and by extension, movement. While the course focuses on Tennis, this unique adaptation of Polyvagal Theory is relevant for anyone with a body who moves through the world. Michael Allison clearly and creatively explains the fundamentals of Polyvagal Theory with competitive tennis as a metaphor and as literal example. The Play Zone's examples of some of Tennis’ most memorable players and moments are clearly deconstructed as the physiological states that “precede” our emerging and pattered behaviors. Whether or not we play sports, this course will illuminate new possibilities for how we engage with challenges and celebrate our ability to embody and express our playfulness.”
Dr. Amber Elizabeth Gray
Licensed human rights psychotherapist, innovative movement artist, board certified dance/movement therapist, master trainer and educator, Continuum teacher, and public health professional. -
Beth Kurland, Ph.D.
“This was an OUTSTANDING certificate course jam packed with video lessons, written material, and abundant resources organized in such a way as to optimize learning! This was truly an online course at its finest, with wonderful opportunities for live interactive sessions as well. I came in with a relatively strong background in polyvagal theory and yet found that I learned a ton, and learned it in such a way that I can now apply it more confidently in both my personal life and in my professional life as a therapist and wellness coach. Michael Allison's warmth and caring, and his ability to connect through this material is a testament to him embodying what he teaches. The teaching style was excellent, clear and engaging and there were just the right amount of repetition, reinforcement and interactive exercises to have this material sink in on a deep level. I couldn't wait to engage in new materials each week. This class has been transformative to me and the way I practice, and I hope to the patients/clients with whom I work.”
Beth Kurland, Ph.D.
Beth Kurland, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist, mind-body wellness coach, Tedx speaker, and author of three award winning books: Dancing on The Tightrope: Transcending the Habits of Your Mind and Awakening to Your Fullest Life; The Transformative Power of Ten Minutes: An Eight Week Guide to Reducing Stress and Cultivating Well-Being; and Gifts of the Rain Puddle: Poems, Meditations and Reflections for the Mindful Soul. -
Jenn Morse
This course has been tremendous! it has helped me understand and better communicate to my healing + coaching client s WHY they are having certain physiological responses, when dealing with major issues in relationships, work, business and health. This framework helped me with giving them not only the logical understanding (which reduces shame) but also the practical tools that immediately help them while we continue to do the deeper work together.
Jenn Morse
Holistic Business Coach + 3rd Generation Healer
Michelle Farkas
The course, Play Zone Pro: Polyvagal - Informed certificate is a course that can suit the needs and interests of many. It appealed to me because I was keen to understand Stephen Porges' Polyvagal Theory better while being able to apply the theory to coaching. And, Michael Allison's application of the theory to coaching is superb! The manner in which Michael Allison adeptly structures the course ensures you can understand and apply Polyvagal Theory, not only to coaching, but, to your life as a whole. This course has allowed me to further enhance and gave me means to work on showing up for my life the way I truly want to. Though a continual work in progress, for that, I am so grateful. Utilizing what I learned from Stephen Porges and Michael Allison with my clients and in my family life is also more natural because both of these instructors showed themselves to be genuinely human individuals and authentic in their being able to convey Polyvagal Theory to people for all aspects of our lives.
Michelle Farkas
My positive psychology and presence based coaching is individualized and strength-based to your unique way of being and learning. Living with and working with diverse individuals, I know it is important that your individuality will drive the plan, as opposed to having a preset plan!
Jessica Conway
Michael's Play Zone Certificate Course for Coaches has been a true container of safety, trust, community, and growth - pushing my edge to learn and apply new tools and theories in my personal and professional life. I feel confident that I now have the knowledge and skills to help myself and my clients find their Play Zone and achieve their goals on and off the court.
Jessica Conway, RN, MSN, RYTT
Jessica is a Somatic Practitioner, Registered Nurse, Safe and Sound Protocol Provider, Yoga Instructor, Meditation Guide, ocean dip lover, who unceasingly seeks to find truth and wisdom on every path of this wild and full human life. She is on a mission to help you slow down, sense inward, and connect to a true knowing held within your own body. An internal compass that houses your inner wisdom, truth, strength, and love to help guide you through times of uncertainty and the unknown. Her offerings have one main intention in mind…to help you BE in your body - alive, awake, aware.
Michael Forlenza
This was a resource-rich and deeply thorough learning experience! The supportive atmosphere and kind approach combined with the rigorous learning was exactly what I was looking for!
Michael Forlenza
Michael Forlenza is an experienced leader, international leadership consultant, and leadership development coach having worked for over a decade with both executive and emerging leaders across a wide variety of corporate and economic sectors including academic medicine and healthcare, public health, higher education, mental health care, financial services, insurance services, legal services, law enforcement, sales, government, biotechnology, engineering, management consulting, hospitality, and food service.
Prior to becoming a full-time coach, consultant, and facilitator, Michael served as Assistant Dean in the School of Leadership and Professional Advancement at Duquesne University where he initiated, founded, and continues to teach Executive Coaching in the Professional Coach Certification Program (PCCP), an International Coach Federation Accredited Coach Training Program, also having served as its Executive Director. Currently, he teaches the elective Executive Coaching and Leadership in the PCCP.
Ramona Behling
Polyvagal Theory has interested me for a long time. I searched for a deep dive into the theory that would make me able to apply it in my private coaching business. Because I have no therapeutic approach, I was super happy when I found "The Play Zone". It provides you with everything I wished for: The important theory (in a very differentiated and creative way), practical exercises, ideas how to apply the knowledge into your own coaching practice and a safe container where one es feeling always safe, seen and understood. I really enjoyed that Michael is living what he preaches as he sees himself as a learning individual on his path to understanding and applying the principles of the PVT even better. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this wonderful experience and opportunity.
Ramona Behling
Systemic Councilor and Coach, Training in Motivational Interviewing, Training in CRAFT- Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT), Social Worker (MA)
Ross Eathorne
The knowledge gained from the Polyvagal theory and the Playzone Pro Coach course has given me a fresh outlook in my personal life; in my performance coaching role they have inspired me to place more emphasis on bodily state awareness/presence as a foundation for my psychological skills training programme.
Ross Eathorne
Over 30 years of holistic performance coaching (well-being and recovery using HRV monitoring, corrective and sport specific exercise), author, international speaker, athlete. Specialising in sport & performance psychology especially dealing with the trauma of winning, losing and retiring.
Stephanie Gugel
This course was jampacked with powerful information! Michael has a masterful way of creating safety in this container. He always met us with approval and unconditional positive regard. This course has ignited a deep passion to share PVT with my clients. Through this work, I have been able to expand my resiliency and deepen my capacity for others.
Stephanie Gugel
Empowerment and Radiance Coach
Zack Bodenweber
Never in my life have I felt more in control of my physiological state than after taking this course. Since physiological state is deeply linked to our performance, I also feel that I'm operating at the heights of my potential. After frequently living in sub-optimal states of both mobilization or immobilization for years, this course taught me the strategies, techniques, and tools for understanding and shifting my physiology to support my craft. Since my craft is coaching, this, in turn, has helped my clients in profound ways, guiding them toward to well-being, ease, and performance.
Zack Bodenweber
Zack Bodenweber is a Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach, Licensed Social Worker, and serial entrepreneur with over a decade of experience working with clients, consulting organizations, and training thousands of professionals around the world. Today, his life and work focus on personal transformation, human flourishing, and spiritual expansion. Zack’s mission is to spread multidimensional health through transformational interventions that sustainably improve well-being in the individual and collective.
Giulia Sabbadini
The Play Zone Pro - Polyvagal Informed Coach Course has been a great experience for me! It helped to deepen my knowledge of Polyvagal Theory, & it has led to a real change in my habits and provided many hints, strategies and resources for my professional activity! Michael Allison is a generous and passionate coach.
Giulia Sabbadini, Certified Visual Coach
Entrepreneur and certified trainer, specialized in visual language and storytelling, scribing and graphic recording, video & motion design editing. As a Certified Visual Coach, I love to be a facilitator for entrepreneurs, helping them to combine performance and well-being. I keep learning, drawing and drawing myself.
Louise Moyan
The Play Zone is a natural fit into my storytelling and story writing activities. The nervous system states and shifts, blends and mobilisations are seen in both word stories and soma stories. A bright light for our relationships, culture, and connections.
The Play Zone was brought alive by Michael and other students, and together we shared our adventures into all things polyvagal and sensory. Lots of room for creativity, fun and relaxation.
A big thank you!
Louise Moyan
Louise has her own business writing stories and memoirs for people from remote and regional parts of Australia. A good part of that involves storytelling in different settings, often outdoors in the storyteller's special places. This is particularly true for Aboriginal storytellers. A storytelling circle helps develop connection, find rhythm, open creativity and feel into each other's compassion.
Edna Estrada
This is the most amazing course I have ever taken (and I have taken a lot.) I am genuinely in awe that this is not taught in schools. Thank you for making this so digestible and detailed at the same time.
Edna Estrada
Edna is a trauma life coach. RTT Hypnotherapist and Breathwork facilitator.
Jeanine van Seenus
After I completed the certified integrative somatic trauma therapy program with The Embody Lab, I intended to dive deeper into PVT & IFS. I am very grateful I chose both body-centered approaches. The clarity of Michael’s video- & reading material, the ease of presentation, the high-quality and professional approach - including the video material of Dr. Stephen Porges - have motivated me to give it my all. I had an intense working period in my life, when I signed up for this course. It was not easy at all to complete the material, while being fully present to the learnings, instead of just rushing through the videos & articles. I really wanted to own it. It was so worth it. I made PVT and building a zone of safety a central topic for conscious leaders. And it became a big success. What a valuable stepping stone in my studies. Michael presents his work and mastery effortlessly and with great generosity & passion, while he is always patient, kind, and fully present. I highly recommend to take this course for everyone who is a leader, therapist, body worker, yoga therapist, coach, and athlete. THANK YOU MICHAEL!
Susan Moini, MSW, LICSW, CSTP
The Play Zone Polyvagal Informed certificate course is a game changer. It provides a groundbreaking framework for understanding and optimizing our nervous system, so that we can live life fully, connected, and ready to thrive. Through a compelling blend of theoretical knowledge and practical exercises grounded in Polyvagal Theory, Michael Allison teaches tools to navigate internal physiological states with greater awareness and control. I’ve been studying the complexities of the Polyvagal Theory for over ten years and found that Michael Allison possesses a remarkable talent for unraveling intricate concepts with clarity and composure so that the material is easily understood and readily applicable to clients. With Allison’s guidance, even seasoned veterans can rediscover the practical elements of the Polyvagal Theory and learn how to maximize potential in the Play Zone.
Cynthia Paciulli Barbarits, MD
This has been an amazing course, not only for the content but also for the level of support and discussion of real-time applications of principles through regular meetup sessions.
Franka van Essen, Voice Coach
The PLAY Zone PRO was the missing link in my polyvagal journey! As a singing teacher, performance coaching is a big part of what I do. Working with Michael and Mattie has been an absolute joy! The course has helped me a lot in understanding and translating polyvagal language from a place of trauma into the performance domain. It has also made me realize that a lot of things I already did intuitively are actually backed up by hard science. The course itself is a helpful mixture of video content and written articles. The questions and assignments at the end of every chapter help you stay on track. I would recommand every coach to take this course. We need more compassionate guides in this world. Free of shame and blame and working from a place of shared humanity. That is what the PLAY Zone is about!
Esther Raphael
The course has deepened my understanding of polyvagal theory and highlighted the importance of breathwork in shifting physiological states. It's also helped me introduce the Play Zone to high-performing clients who can channel their mobilising energy into a way that is helpful rather than detrimental.
Esther Raphael
Executive Coach PCC, PGCert, Polyvagal-Informed
Coach Holly Read
I absolutely LOVED this course. It gave me a deeper understanding of Polyvagal Theory and how it applies not only to every day life but to sport and even business interactions. Michael does an amazing job at connecting with the coaches in the cohort. It is a hands on, Q&A experience where you get to talk to him directly and ask questions about what you are learning in the curriculum on a weekly basis. I got way more out of this course than I anticipated and am excited to incorporate the PlayZone methodology into my coaching on entrepreneurs and athletes.
Holly Read
Mental Performance Coach for High Level Entrepreneurs and Athletes

Find Your Pro
Looking for a Coach that understands what’s really beneath optimal performance?
We have an expansive community of Polyvagal-informed Coaches from around the world who embody the methodology of The Play Zone in their professional work through a variety of disciplines - sports, business, voice, life, health, breath, education, movement, yoga, transformation & more.

Enter Your Play Zone
Are you ready to play when everyone else defends, attacks and cracks? Click the button below to read our exclusive Play Zone introductory guide.